Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Poems On Life

I Am Someone
by Annastasia Aressia

I am someone
I walked past a dead face
even though the person was alive
I saw my eyes in the mirror
and cried at the sight
I looked at a person
I didn't know and I met a friend
I got heads to turn
when I walked past
I learned a lot about myself
when I lost a new friend
I cried every tear in my body
when I thought about love
I got hit bad
then got back in the ring
I climbed a mountain of rocks
and saw an eagle fly over- head
I heard terrible things about myself
when no one thought I was listening
I realized I was strong
when I didn't cry when it hurt
I found out who I was
when I was with someone else
I thought I was lost forever
when a friend found me
I held a life in my hand
and it was my own
I was a pawn in someone else's game
so I surrendered to a brook
I walked the fine line between surviving
and not wanting to survive
I still am
I am someone

Hm, I'm not good at creating poems but enjoy reading others' pieces of works. It's ok. For the time being, let me be a silent poem reciter. Insyaallah, who knows I can write my own poem in the future. Hehe.We'll see :) Okay friends, enjoy the poem..

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Alahai...payah nye la nak update blog..dah berabuk dah blog ni..hehe..Ni pun kebetulan duk update anti virus kat resource centre insted. So ana amik peluang la kjap update.. Semester 2 2007/2008 is a hectic semester for me. Subjek memang nampak cket, tapi kerja nya amatlah banyak. Especially untuk subjek action research. We have to do a research based on teaching methods. Huhu..nak pilih tajuk aje sampai 4 kali tukar. Alhamdulillah..berkat kesabaran ahli kumpulan ku (didi, syazzy, zila and ami) berjaya jugak kami pilih satu topik. We have decided to conduct a research about the use of newspaper in ESL classroom... So far, kami masih dlm proses preparing the literature review and questionnaires. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah bilamana sekolah2 di sekitar uia ni x nak terima kami wat research di sekolah mereka. Banyak prosedur katanya. Melainkan ada orang dalam. Hurm, seme dalam dilema.. Kemungkinan besar kene turun negeri sendiri la nampaknya.Urm..doakan kami ye..Kay la..nanti saya update lahi..babai..jaga diri seme..wassalam.. :)